Factors that influence student behavior at school
Factors that influence student behavior at school - Behavior is the act or behavior of a person towards something. Behavior is closely related to mind and morals, ie rules and regulations given to humans to relate to God, relate to fellow humans, and relate to the natural environment. The expression above means, if in everyday life always give priority to the mind. At school there are various kinds of student behavior, both positive and negative. That behavior is influenced by several factors from attitude of junior secondary school students, including:
A. Internal factors
1. Descendants or tribes
In a school must consist of various tribes, each tribe certainly has a different character and habits.
2. Gender. Between men and women have different mindsets. In acting, men tend to use logic. While women tend to use feelings.
3. Personality. The personality of each person is different, this is influenced by the qualities that exist in that person. But it can also be influenced by external factors outside him.
4. Talent owned. Students will be more likely to be active or study hard, if the lesson is in accordance with their talents.
B. External Factors
1. Education in schools. The higher the character education (attitudes and morals) in school, the character or behavior of students will be more easily formed.
2. Religion adhered to. Someone who is religious, will implement the Shari'a and customs in his religion.
3. Living environment. The neighborhood also affects student behavior at school. People who live in a clean environment will always maintain cleanliness at school. Vice versa, people who live less clean environment, then awareness of school hygiene is low.
4. Parental attention and affection. The family is the first place for the formation of children's behavior. Lack of attention of parents to their children, will have a big influence on his attitude. Students who often do naughty or naughty at school, could be caused by lack of attention from their parents. That they do in order to get the attention of the teacher and his friends.
5. Daily association. Relationships at school and outside of school will affect student behavior. If you associate with people who can be said to be not good, then the behavior of students, too. And conversely, if you get along with good people, then the behavior of students will also be good. Therefore, be smart in choosing friends.
6. Outside or foreign cultures. Today, the development of globalization is very rapid. Many foreign cultures entered. The ability of students to filter or filter the culture will have a good effect on it. Conversely, if students are not able to filter it, it will affect their attitudes and behavior.
7. Problems of love. In this era, the problem of love afflicts many students. Students who are beset by problems of love, will tend to be more quiet and pensive, or cool language 'more upset'.
Those are some of the factors that influence student behavior at school. Apart from the factors above, there are many more factors that influence student behavior at school. Hopefully this article is useful, thank you.
The latter view put forward has even a place even in the history of moral thought. Now such a view is no longer held. A good goal must also be pursued in a good manner. Never a bad way turns into good because the goal to be achieved in it is good. Bad deeds or actions remain evil and do not become good because of good intentions. If a person wants to achieve a good goal, he must also think and choose a path or a good way to achieve it.
People with integrity always think to prioritize good goals while at the same time taking good ways to achieve them. First of all he wants to be a good person, what kind of person should I be, and if he is really a good person, then all his actions must be good. If the person is still showing bad actions, it is reasonable to doubt that he is really a good person. Good actions done by someone, if he is indeed a good person, it is an expression of his personal self that is indeed good.
Another thing that can happen is that people can be erroneous or neglect, so doing actions that are not good. Here it is necessary to be careful to pass a verdict by directly assessing the person as a bad person, who does not have self integrity.
Here it always needs to be seen whether the person concerned has the intention or motive and intentionally committed the action or not. If it is truly out of intent and intent, let alone immediately followed by remorse and good intentions to improve themselves, we must not immediately conclude that the person concerned is a bad person, who does not have self-integrity. Of course we do not also directly claim that the person is good and turn a blind eye to the bad actions he has done. While not convicting him as a good person or a bad person, we need to see how the person afterwards, whether he is able to show that he is a good person or not. So the next life fairy will explain that.